I Ran The Chicago Marathon. . . So Now What?

Now that the marathon and crazy training are over. . what am I doing now? Running for fun — and I love it! Sure, training for a marathon (and getting to eat whatever I wanted) was an amazing experience but now that I don’t have to plan my life around it, I am able to go out and enjoy runs when I want and it’s awesome!

I renewed my CorePower yoga membership solely for the purpose of going to yoga sculpt a few times a week (if you haven’t tried it, you are seriously missing out) and I am running my first post marathon race on Thanksgiving morning (I run for pie obviously)! After about two weeks of getting back into the groove post marathon, I was able to pick it up and do a few 3-6 milers a week! Then a couple of weeks ago, I went out on a Saturday morning and just ran and enjoyed the weather until I felt like stopping — and ended up doing 12 miles!

So what’s my plan for the winter? Hot yoga sculpt and speed work are going to be my main focus throughout the winter. Since it’s so cold out, I plan on keeping my runs short but quick and working on getting faster for marathon training next year (yep, I just said that).

First post-marathon long run!
Post marathon long run