It’s Getting Real

New kicks for this weekend’s 20 miler and just 23 days to go until race time!

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The Fine Line

Welcome to September where the temp gets lower, work gets busier and I, without fail, get sick.

I’ve had ALMOST 30 years of practice and I’m still trying to find a balance between regular self-motivation like this


and pushing so hard that I break my foot. I’m going to say that this year I am older and wiser (or that I am still recovering from the pain and doctor’s bills last time) because Monday I SKIPPED MY WORKOUT for the first time in 15 weeks, chugged OJ like it was my job and slept (hello Labor Day). Tuesday I modified my workout to do half of Monday’s and half of Tuesday’s and then drugged myself into a NyQuil coma after work. I’m not saying that I fully believe in this thing people call ‘rest’ but I will say that Wednesday I skipped to the train like a brand new person!

With 30 days to go until the marathon and my first official Fall Breathe Deep event this Sunday (hey Breathe Deep Dupage), I’m excited to be back to normal and ready to kick Oprah’s AND lung cancer’s butt!

THANK YOU to everyone who has donated to my page AND huge shout out to my sister who is running her first marathon this year for Paws and crushed her fundraising goal!

5 Years Down

The last few weeks have been so busy that I totally forgot to post about my 5 year work anniversary. I looked back at last year’s post around this time and realized that I feel pretty much exactly the same.

I could have never in a million years imagined how crazy weird and awesome my life would be. In the last four five years, I’ve had the most amazing co-workers, participants and volunteers, I’ve run 4 5 marathons raising thousands of dollars and every morning (okay pretty much every morning. . .I’m human) I wake up super excited to go to work. This totally is not the life I had planned for myself but I’m pretty happy with the way it’s turned out so far.

With fall (yay fall) event season gearing up and Chicago Marathon just 32 days away, it’s about to get pretty busy around here. THANK YOU to everyone who has donated to my Team LUNGevity fundraising page and to all of the amazing humans who are running with me on October 8th and raising money. And super huge shout out to this little gopher who started her first day of COLLEGE today, they grow up so fast.
