Team LUNGevity Bootcamp Fundraiser

Heads up: My arms are so sore that it’s taken me a few hours to actually complete this blog post. . . .

After my morning 5 mile run and a busy day at work, I have to admit that I wasn’t pumped for another workout at 6:30pm. I met up with Deni and Deanne before the boot camp and we complained a little bit as we posed for this photo before class:

Once we walked over to the park though and met up with Samantha, her mom and a few other girls doing the class, we perked up. Sam didn’t waste anytime and as soon as everyone got there she started us with a warm-up and then right into cardio. We lined up and all ran in place as the first person in line sprinted to the end of the park and back. We all continued to run in place and switch off sprinting until we went through the line twice. Halfway through she let us know she was timing us and that we’d have to beat our time at the end of the class!

We got through the cardio and moved right into circuits breaking into 3 groups. The first group did lunges with resistance bands (to bicep curl of course) that she demonstrated (below). The second group did an exercise that had us starting in a standing up position and then folding over, walking out to a push up and then walking back up to standing (ew). Then the third group did a bridge type of exercise where you rotated crunching up to touch the opposite hand and foot. We did each station for a minute and then repeated the sequence.


Next up: back to cardio! We got in a line again but this time we all did jumping jacks and rotated down the line doing a ‘burpee wave’ (that sounds way more fun than it was). The first minute of it was easy and then my calves were on fire! We went through the line twice which felt like roughly 2 years.

Then back to circuits! This time the first group did squats while also doing something crazy with our arm resistance bands that I’d like to never duplicate. The second group did push-ups with shoulder taps and the third group did side lunges. Let me tell you something. . . a minute of push ups feels A LOT longer than it sounds. There is no photographic evidence of this circuit which is for the best because I’d assume it would look pretty pathetic. We also did these cardio side things (below) at some point in the workout but my mind must have blocked them out because I don’t remember.


Then she made us do bear crawls and crab walks and as far as I’m concerned her only reason was to make us look like idiots (it worked):

10329013_10152560704452668_1123449250758486965_nAnd again:

And last up we went through the cardio line from the beginning of the class. The time to beat was 3 minutes and 27 seconds and we pounded it out in 3:12!


All in all it was a great workout class. Thank you to Samantha who took the time to come teach us and to everyone who came out, sweated and donated! We plan to have another class in September around my birthday (so I can easily guilt more people into coming) so start preparing mentally and physically now.

Pretty much immediately after I hobbled home I ate this (because why else would anyone workout twice in one day)?

ALSO, courtesy of my sister (Cosi), Tom and Beverly, we had these things at the office this morning. . . No, we don’t just eat here. . .we do work sometimes too!

I am happy to say that this weekend’s long run is only 6 miles and that I have today off from working out. Which is good because the only thing I want to do later is sit on the couch and watch movies, woot!


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